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At Vouched, our extensive experience has allowed us to create tailor-made solutions that cater to the unique requirements of each industry and use case meeting both compliance and consumer needs.


The Telemedicine Prescriptive Workflow

Our preconfigured identity verification workflow package ensures compliance with KYP regulations while providing a seamless patient experience. We continuously assess patient risk and request additional evidence as needed, all while prioritizing their comfort and privacy. Trust us to streamline the verification process and enhance your patients' overall experience.

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The Telemedicine Prescriptive Workflow


The Financial Services Prescriptive Workflows

Trust our preconfigured identity verification workflow package, tailored specifically for the financial industry, including specific customizations for the different needs for bank account opening, credit cards and loan applications,  to ensure compliance with KYC regulations while enhancing your customers' experience. Our streamlined process allows applicants to easily verify their identity, while we continuously assess risk to minimize inconvenience and provide peace of mind.

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The Financial Services Prescriptive Workflows


Automotive Workflow

VouchedAuto offers two solutions for automotive companies: use our VouchedFi product for financing or implement our end-to-end identity verification solution, which includes data checks, social security verification, visual ID document reviews, and biometrics analysis, to ensure a smooth and secure customer experience.

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Automotive Workflow


Unlock the power of flexibility with Vouched's platform, which allows you to fully customize your own identity verification workflow solution and tailor it to your unique business needs. Experience the benefits of a solution that's designed specifically for you.

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